Service Times

In Person Services

Sundays: 10am

Wednesdays: 7pm


3918 NW 167th Street
Miami Gardens, FL 33054

Kids & Youth Services

Calvary Kids services are available at Calvary Chapel North Miami for your 1st—5th graders during regular service times. We’re so excited to hang out with your kids!

North Miami

Calvary Chapel North Miami, is a church plant of Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale launched on Sunday, April 14 2019.

Having started as a Bible study in the home of Pastor Darren Bennett with just 15 people this church was planted with the vision the GROW, GO & SHOW the LOVE of Jesus in North Miami-Dade. Our mission is to make disciples of Jesus by RENEWING faith , RESTORING families, and REVIVAL in our city.

Pastor Darren Bennett and his wife Christine invite you to attend a church service, community outreach, or local Bible study.

Pastor Darren Bennett

Pastor Darren Bennett has served at Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale in many capacities since late 2010. He and his wife, Christine, have five beautiful children, Destinee, Robert, Darionna, Darriale, and Jael. God called Darren and his family to plant a church in North Miami-Dade and after much prayer and confirmation, the couple opened their hands and let God lead the way. God spoke specifically to Darren in 2017 when Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale Pastor Doug Sauder taught through a series on Jonah emphasizing God’s heart for the city. Darren and his family reside in North Miami Dade, so they understand the unique opportunity they have to infuse the gospel message to a very culturally diverse demographic.

What to Expect

Here’s an idea of what to expect when you arrive at Calvary . . .

Are childcare and/or Calvary Kids/Youth Services available?
Yes! Childcare and youth services are available. For more info,

click here.

How long is the service?
Our services are typically 90 minutes—this includes a powerful time of worship and a practical, inspiring Bible teaching.
What should I wear?
At Calvary, our heart is for you to come as you are. For some, this means jeans and t-shirts; for others, a suit and tie. We don’t have a dress code. We’re genuinely interested in you, not your attire.
Can I attend if…?
Fill in the blank with whatever fear you have about not being accepted: divorced, single parent, broke, recovering addict, gay, transgender, member of another faith group, atheist, skeptic, etc. We want you to know that everyone is welcome at Calvary. So, come as you are, and we’ll see you at service!